About Us

The Indian Technical Education Society is an autonomous body registered under the Societies Act, 1941 and The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1953. The Indian Technical Education Society / Trust was formed by Nine founder members in the year 1941 with the sole purpose of promoting technical education in our country.

The ITES has been playing a very important role in the field of technical / vocational education for the past more than 60 years by promoting technical education among the masses without any commercial ambitions. The ITES started conducting Open Merit Examinations of the students sponsored by the Affiliated Institutions at various centers all over India. These examinations have gained immense popularity in India and abroad.

With the steady growth of industrial and technical developments in the post independence period the need for technically qualified personnel increased but the facilities for training remained limited. A few technical training institutes were set up for training students in various trades but without uniform standard syllabi. ITES took the lead in framing common syllabi for examinations in the various faculties and started conducting examinations on All India basis. Lately, a number of Open Universities have been set up in India and abroad; the ITES however, remains the pioneer organization in conducting Open Merit Examinations for students in technical subjects for the past Six decades.

ITES is Governed by the General Body of the Trust. This General Body is represented by Life Members, Fellow Members, Patron Members, Honorary Members. The number of members is increased to over 350. Most of the ITES members are directly connected with Technical Education or Industry.

The Annual General Body Meeting is Conducted every year and all such members are called for the meeting . Every alternate year there is Election for the Managing Committee and Every Six years the Board of Trustee.

There are over 1575 institutions from all over India, affiliated to ITES More than 30,000 students avail the facility and benefit from appearing for these examinations every year.

The syllabi for the different Certificate and Diploma courses are revised regularly and keep pace with the fast developing changes in the Industry necessitated by advances in the field of Information Technology. The syllabi gives due importance to Self Employment of the country’s youth.

Guidance to Vocational / Technical institutions. Institutions imparting Vocational/ Technical training at various places in the country are contacted by the representatives of the ITES and provided guidance as and when required by the way of arranging seminars / workshop / lectures.

Affiliation of Institutions in India and abroad.
Affiliation of Institutions is governed by the Rules and Regulations of the ITES. (Details of affiliation are provided from page 12 to page 15)

Introduction and Revision of Syllabi.
The syllabi for various vocational / technical / Professional Examinations are introduced and revised from time to time. New examinations are introduced to keep pace with the advancement of technology & need of industry.

Conduction of Examination.
The sessional Examination for all the courses Shall be conducted in the month of April / May and Oct / Nov every year. ITES also conducts mid sessional exams. for certificate courses in the month of Feb. and Aug. for the benefits of students who are not able to appear in the sessional examination.

Admission to Examinations :
Students desirous of appearing for Certificate or Diploma qualifying examinations of the ITES have to fill in the appropriate examination forms prescribed by the ITES, through the institutions affiliated to ITES or in person at the office of ITES. ( allowed only in case of technically qualified and experienced candidates ) External Students.

Setting of Question Papers :
Question papers for various Certificate and Diploma examinations are set by qualified Examiners. Although question papers are set in English and translated in some regional languages, students are permitted to answer the questions in regional languages taking into consideration the strength of the students appearing for examinations from various states of the country.

Appointment of the Examiners :
The examiners are appointed from the panel of Examiners maintained by ITES.

Allotment of Centres :
ITES has number of affiliated institutions spread in different states. The centres are allotted to the affiliated institutions complying with the provisions of the Rules and Regulations framed for the purpose.

Conduct of Examinations :
The examinations of different faculties are conducted by the ITES in accordance with the rules framed by the ITES from time to time.

Issue of Certificates :
Final Certificates are generally issued within three months of the date of declaration of the results. Duplicate Certificates are issued on application through the respective institution and for External students after furnishing satisfactory reasons and evidence in support of the request. Merit Certificates are issued in each examination. A maximum of three Merit Certificates will be issued in each course as per the rules framed by ITES for the purpose.

Appointment of Board of Examinations :
The Managing Committee appoints the ‘Examination Board’ to conduct to look into all the matters relevant to conducting the examinations.

Shields and Awards :
The Shields and Cash awards are distributed to the Institutions and also to the students as per the express desire of the Donors. Cash awards for various examinations are also given by the ITES

Publication of Bulletin :
The ITES circulates bulletin to apprise the members and the affiliated institutions of useful information covering important decisions taken by ITES concerning the examinations. Articles useful to the students are also published in the Bulletin from time to time.

Library facility:
ITES has its own facility of Library where in books covering a wide range of topics are available for reference to the Paper setter, Moderators and members of syllabus Committee.

“Parents are first Teachers & Teachers are second parents.”